Keratin Treatment Aftercare: 10 Golden Rules

Keratin Treatment Aftercare

If you’ve recently had a keratin treatment at Intaglio Hair Salon, you’re likely flaunting envy-worthy locks. But to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your treatment, you need to invest in proper aftercare. We’ve compiled a list of golden rules for keratin treatment aftercare to maintain your hair’s radiance.

1. Give It Time to Settle

The excitement of having a keratin smoothing treatment can make you eager to show off your newly transformed tresses. However, you need to be patient. Allow around 72 hours post-treatment before you wash your hair or style it. This waiting period ensures the keratin has an opportunity to bond with individual hair strands, maximising its effects.

You should also avoid anything that could potentially kink or indent the hair, such as hair ties, pins, or even tucking it behind your ears. By giving your locks this essential downtime, you’re setting the stage for longer-lasting, optimal results from your keratin treatment.

2. Use the Right Products

Post-treatment, the type of shampoo and conditioner you use can make a difference to the longevity and quality of your treatment. Always choose sulphate-free shampoo and conditioner, as sulphates like sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulphate (SLES) are powerful surfactants that can strip away the keratin treatment as well as your scalp’s natural oils and moisture.

Because your hair is already infused with the deep-conditioning benefits of keratin, it won’t require heavy-duty conditioners. Instead, a gentle, hydrating conditioner will complement and maintain the smooth, frizz-free effect. The right products ensure that your investment in the keratin treatment continues to shine wash after wash.

3. Be Careful With Your Styling Tools

When using straighteners, curlers, or hair dryers, use lower heat settings than you would usually. You also always need to apply a high-quality heat protectant to protect your hair strands from moisture loss and damage. Too much heat can potentially reduce the treatment’s benefits, leading to quicker wear and tear.

In the first days after your hair treatment, avoid styles or accessories that place undue pressure on your strands or create creases in the hair, like tight ponytails.

Be Careful With Your Styling Tools

4. Swim Smart

While taking a refreshing dip might be tempting, it’s essential to be careful when and where you swim after a keratin treatment. You can’t get your hair wet for around three days after your treatment to allow your strands time to absorb the keratin.

Additionally, pools and hot tubs contain chlorine, a chemical that can compromise the integrity of your treatment, potentially leading to faster fading and reduced smoothness.

Unfortunately, heading to the beach also poses a threat to your silky strands. Saltwater from the ocean contains natural salts and minerals that can have a drying and potentially damaging effect on the hair, especially when the hair cuticle may be more vulnerable right after a keratin treatment.

Before plunging in, saturate your hair with fresh water and apply a protective layer of leave-in conditioner. This simple step ensures your hair absorbs less chlorinated or saltwater, acting as a shield against its harsh effects.

And post-swim? A gentle rinse can help eliminate any lingering chemicals. By adopting these mindful habits, you can enjoy a blissful swim without worrying about your keratin-treated locks.

5. Protect from UV Rays

Australia’s sun isn’t just a challenge for our skin but our hair too. Ultraviolet (UV) rays can be harsh on keratin-treated hair, potentially causing the treatment to fade more rapidly and making hair look dry or lacklustre.

When spending extended hours outdoors, consider wearing a hat or scarf. Not only is it a stylish accessory, but it also acts as a protective barrier against the sun’s rays. Additionally, there are hair products available with UV protectants that can be spritzed on as an added layer of defence.

6. Avoid Salt Sprays and Beachy Textures

While the beachy wave look is a favourite for many, post-keratin is the time to avoid salt sprays or products that promote that textured feel. Salt can diminish the longevity of the treatment and counteract the smoothness you’ve achieved. Instead, relish in the sleek, frizz-free look and save the beachy textures for another time.

7. Gentle Handling is a Must

Post-treatment, your hair might feel different – smoother, more manageable, and more delicate. Ensure you’re brushing and handling it with gentleness. Using a wide-tooth comb or a brush designed for wet hair can help prevent breakage and ensure the treatment lasts.

You should also avoid vigorously rubbing your hair with a towel after showering. This can easily leave your hair prone to breakage and frizziness. Use a highly absorbent microfiber towel to gently squeeze excess moisture from your hair. Alternatively, use a clean cotton t-shirt to wrap your hair without wringing it too tightly.

8. Invest in Silky Bedding

Silk or satin pillowcases and sheets can help you keep your keratin-treated hair smooth and tangle-free. The slippery texture of the fabric reduces friction between strands and the pillowcase, reducing the risk of tangles and frizziness.

Unlike traditional cotton pillowcases, satin and silk are non-absorbent. This means that they won’t absorb your hair’s natural oils, promoting better hydration and shine.

9. Regular Deep Conditioning

While the keratin treatment does provide a deep conditioning effect, incorporating a deep conditioning treatment every few weeks can help maintain the hair’s health and vibrancy.

Regular deep conditioning can help extend the life of your keratin treatment. By maintaining the health and strength of your hair, you can ensure that the treatment continues to look its best.

10. Maintenance is Key

Depending on your hair type, getting a touch-up every few months can help maintain that enviable sheen and texture. Keratin treatments are designed to last around six months, but for people with coarse or curly hair textures or very thick hair, you may need more frequent treatments to retain your hair’s smoothness and shine.

Regular visits to the salon are also beneficial for staying informed about the latest hair care products and techniques. The world of hair care is ever-evolving, and what worked a year ago might be outperformed by something new today. Visit Intaglio Hair Salon for high-quality keratin treatments and professional advice to keep you in the loop.

Prolong the Life of Your Keratin Treatment

Prolong the Life of Your Keratin Treatment

A keratin treatment is an investment in the beauty and health of your hair. With the right aftercare, you can extend its benefits and enjoy smoother, shinier locks for longer. As always, if you have questions or need personalised advice, contact the team at Intaglio Hair Salon for a consultation.