Are Keratin Treatments Bad for You? We Asked Stylists for All the Details

Keratin Treatment

If you dream of smoother, frizz-free locks, keratin treatments are a popular solution. But amidst their popularity, there have been numerous concerns about their safety and effects on hair health, which may have you questioning: Are keratin treatments safe?

At Intaglio Hair Salon, our top stylists offer insights into keratin hair smoothing treatments to address your concerns.

What Are Keratin Treatments?

Keratin treatments are designed to make hair smoother, silkier, and less frizzy. They involve applying a keratin-based formula to the hair, which is then sealed in with a flat iron. This process smooths out the hair’s cuticle and makes it more resilient to humidity.

The Process Explained

The treatment starts with a thorough wash and applying the keratin formula. The hair is then blow-dried and flat-ironed to activate the product. Depending on the type of treatment, it can last anywhere from 2 to 6 months, gradually fading as you wash your hair.

The Benefits of Keratin Treatments

Designed to smooth, straighten, and eliminate frizz, these treatments can redefine your hair care routine and lead to healthier, more manageable locks. Some of the benefits you can expect from keratin treatments, especially when performed by professionals at Intaglio Hair Salon, include:

  • Smoother, straighter hair. The primary advantage of a keratin treatment is its ability to smooth out the hair’s cuticle, the outermost layer of the hair shaft. This process reduces frizzy hair and gives your strands a straighter appearance without the need for daily styling.
    Keratin treatments can be a game-changer for individuals with straight hair battling frizz or those with curly and wavy textures who wish for sleeker hair.
  • Enhanced hair strength. Unlike other hair straightening treatments like Brazilian blowouts, keratin treatments can improve your hair’s health.
    Keratin is a protein that naturally occurs in the hair, skin, and nails. By applying additional keratin to the hair and sealing it in with high heat, keratin treatments can reinforce the hair’s structure. This additional protein can repair areas of damage and fortify the hair, making it less prone to breakage and split ends.
  • Reduced styling time. Since your hair becomes smoother and more manageable, you need less time, effort, and hair products to style it daily. This makes your morning routine faster and reduces the need for heat styling, which can further protect your hair from heat-induced damage.
  • Long-lasting results. Keratin treatments are not a quick fix or permanent, but they can offer long-lasting results that make your hair easier to manage. Depending on the specific treatment and your hair care routine, the effects can last up to 6 months. This durability makes keratin treatments cost-effective for those seeking prolonged hair improvement.
  • Increased moisture retention. By smoothing the hair’s cuticle, keratin treatments lock in moisture, which is essential for healthy hair. This can leave your hair feeling softer and looking shinier. Especially for those living in harsh climates or dealing with dry, brittle hair, this boost in hydration improves the overall health and appearance of their locks.
  • Frizz and humidity control. Keratin treatments are beneficial for individuals living in high-humidity areas. The smoothing effect of the treatment helps control frizz, which is often exacerbated by moisture in the air. With a keratin treatment, your hair is more likely to stay smooth and manageable, regardless of the weather conditions.
  • Safe for coloured and chemically treated hair. When performed by experienced professionals, keratin treatments are safe for coloured and chemically treated hair, often leaving it looking healthier and more vibrant. The treatment can even enhance the colour and extend its longevity by sealing the colour within the hair cuticle.

Potential Risks and Considerations

While the benefits are appealing, it’s essential to consider the potential downsides, which include:

  • Chemical exposure. Some keratin treatments contain formaldehyde or ingredients that can release formaldehyde when mixed with water, like methylene glycol (formalin). These ingredients can pose health risks when inhaled.
    In Australia, the use of formaldehyde in cosmetics, including hair treatments, is strictly regulated. Salons are required to use products with safe levels of these chemicals.
  • Hair damage. Improper or excessive keratin application can damage hair. Intense heat or frequent treatments may weaken the hair cuticle, leading to breakage or hair loss in extreme cases.
  • Cost and maintenance. Keratin treatments can be an investment, with costs varying depending on hair length and salon. Also, because they aren’t permanent, you’ll need regular treatments at least twice a year to maintain your sleek, glossy new locks.

Are Keratin Treatments Bad for You?

Choosing the Right Treatment

Selecting the appropriate keratin treatment for your hair will help you achieve the desired results without compromising your hair health. The process involves understanding different treatment options, assessing your hair’s condition, and identifying your hair care objectives.

Use the following tips to choose the right keratin treatment for your hair and health:

  • Understand your hair type and needs. Before considering a keratin treatment, visit your salon for a consultation to determine your hair type (fine, medium, or coarse) and its current condition (dry, oily, damaged, or healthy).
    Different formulations are designed to cater to specific hair types and concerns. For example, someone with fine, slightly wavy hair may require a different treatment formula or processing time than someone with thick, curly hair.
    Identifying your hair’s needs will help you and your stylist select a treatment that achieves your desired look without over-processing your hair.
  • Research treatment options. Keratin treatments come in various formulas, each offering different smoothing, straightening, and conditioning levels. Some treatments are designed to eliminate frizz and relax curls without completely straightening the hair, while others aim to achieve a pin-straight look.
    Some formulas are enriched with botanical extracts and conditioning agents to nourish damaged hair. Take the time to research or discuss with your stylist the treatment options available at Intaglio Hair Salon to find the one that meets your aesthetic and hair health goals.
  • Consult with a professional stylist. During a consultation, a stylist can assess your hair’s condition, discuss your lifestyle and maintenance commitment, and recommend a treatment that best suits your needs. This personalised approach ensures that you receive a treatment that looks great and is manageable and beneficial for your hair in the long term.
  • Consider maintenance and lifestyle. Different keratin treatments require varying levels of maintenance. Some may require specific sulphate-free hair care products to extend the treatment’s longevity, while others might have restrictions on washing or styling immediately after the treatment.
    Consider your willingness to commit to a post-treatment care routine and how the treatment fits into your lifestyle. For instance, if you frequently swim or exercise, this could influence the type of treatment that’s best for you.
  • Assess safety and ingredients. While modern keratin treatments are generally safe, some formulas contain chemicals like formaldehyde or its derivatives, which can pose health risks if not used correctly.
    At Intaglio Hair Salon, we prioritise the health and safety of our clients by offering formaldehyde-free treatments that comply with Australian safety standards and by ensuring proper ventilation during the application process.

The Verdict: Are They Bad for You?

When performed correctly with safe and suitable products, Keratin treatments offer numerous benefits, from smoother hair to reduced styling time. However, you should also be aware of the potential risks associated with chemical exposure and understand the importance of choosing a reputable salon.

At Intaglio Hair Salon, we’re committed to providing the best results and ensuring the health and safety of our client’s hair. Whether you’re considering a keratin treatment for the first time or are a seasoned enthusiast, we offer personalised advice and professional care. Contact us today to book your consultation and keratin treatment.